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When developing our deconex® cleaning agents and disinfectants, we put thorough testing of performance, effect and material compatibility at the top of the list. To ensure our products are ready to market, we work in close cooperation with recognised test laboratories and with manufacturers of medical products. External tests are supplemented with in-house test methods so you can rely on products that are based on experimental evidence. This gives you the reliability you want for every application.

Medical Science Center

You can find exciting studies, articles and reference reports here.

Download Center

Here you will find brochures, safety data sheets and user information on our products.

deconex® FOAM ACTIVE

Mildly alkaline-enzymatic pre-cleaning foam
For pretreatment of surgical instruments

Anchor: manuelle-aufbereitung

Manual reprocessing


Although automated processes have already become established in practice in many countries, the use of manual products cannot be dispensed with: for example, operating theatre instruments are now protected from corrosion and pre-cleaned using foam products prior to long periods of storage. Endoscopes are always subjected to coarse and brush cleaning with appropriate manual products. However, the manual final disinfection of non-critical medical devices or the use of cleansing disinfectants is also standard in many areas.

However you clean manually: the products in our deconex® range comply with the latest scientific findings as well as legal requirements and standards.

Instruments are cleaned manually with deconex FOAM ACTIVE
Anchor: endoskope-manuell

Endoscope in the hand


Flexible endoscopes are among the medical devices that have been shown to be most likely to be contaminated with impurities and micro-organisms. Cleaning is therefore a crucial factor in the entire treatment cycle, especially the efficient removal of biofilms.

Our enzymatic detergents and disinfectants dissolve and remove not only blood but also impurities such as fats and carbohydrates. The formulations are tested according to the latest standards such as DIN EN ISO 17111. This ensures maximum safety for patients and staff.

Download Center

Here you will find brochures, safety data sheets as well as user information on the products and services we offer for manual reprocessing.

Instruments are sprayed with deconex FOAM PLUS Instruments are sprayed with deconex FOAM PLUS
Anchor: maschinelle-aufbereitung

Automatic reprocessing


Automated instrument reprocessing has become more and more demanding in recent years. Complex instruments, sometimes made of a mix of materials, a wide variety of contaminants and long service lives demand reprocessing products with the highest standards.

Whichever products from our full range you use: our cleaners, neutralisers, rinse aids, disinfectants and care products deliver hygienic safety, material compatibility, economy and sustainability. From these first-class products, we develop automated treatment processes for you that are 100% tailored to your needs:

Anchor: endoskope-maschinell

Endoscope is reprocessed by machine


The reprocessing of flexible endoscopes is a particular challenge due to their construction and contamination by impurities and micro-organisms. After manual cleaning, automated processes should be preferred.

In addition to high material compatibility, our deconex® cleaners and disinfectants deliver certified, comprehensive effectiveness according to DIN EN ISO 15883-4. In this way, patients, users and third parties are comprehensively protected.

Anchor: steckbecken


Bedpans and urine bottles are non-critical or semi-critical medical devices. The gold standard of reprocessing is thermal processes, which are subject to the normative requirements of DIN EN ISO 15883-3. Depending on the type of appliance, limescale inhibitors/rinse aids as well as an additional cleaner must be used for reprocessing and value conservation.

Our products offer you a variety of benefits: from proven cleaning power, rinsing power and descaling power to excellent material compatibility.

Anchor: betten-container

Beds / containers

One trend in the reprocessing of bed frames is the use in decontamination systems, which can also be used for transport trolleys, containers, operating tables and furniture as well as operating theatre shoes.

Our cleaners are specially designed for thermolabile products with a lot of electronics, such as bedsteads. They have a high level of material compatibility and effectiveness.

Download Center

Here you will find brochures, safety data sheets and user information on the products and services we offer for automated reprocessing.

Instruments were sprayed with deconex FOAM ACTIVE Instruments were sprayed with deconex FOAM ACTIVE
Anchor: zubehoer

Application Tools

Chemistry delivery systems

Chemistry delivery systems provide a reliable supply for machine-integrated dosing devices in washer-disinfectors (RDG/RDG-E).

Rely on the experience of our technical experts when planning and implementing a new chemistry delivery system tailored to your needs.

Concentrate conveyor system
Anchor: dezentrale-dosiergeraete

Dosing device

Dosing devices

Dosing devices enable the withdrawal of precisely dosed working solutions of instrument and surface products. The robust and compact design guarantees trouble-free use in numerous areas. The devices also meet the requirements of the Robert Koch Institute and the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention and have been type-tested by an external accredited laboratory.

Download Center

Find out more about our accessoires.

Anchor: unsere-dienstleistungen

Our services

Support from A to Z: in addition to an extensive range of manual and automated deconex® products for instrument reprocessing, we also offer our customers a wide range of services - from status quo analysis to derouging and training.

Status quo analysis

If processes are not running as they should, or cleaning results are below expectations, it can be beneficial to determine a comprehensive baseline situation.We offer this service for the entire instrument cycle, including a presentation of the results at your site.

Process development and process optimisation

Laws, standards and guidelines demand validated processes. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are ideal.We are your partner when it comes to optimising process factors. Our technical team can help you improve cleaning performance and material compatibility and reduce process costs.

Basic cleaning / Deep cleaning

Coatings and stains on instruments are not always a hygiene problem, but they make it difficult to judge whether they are clean or not. So it is an advantage to remove existing discolourations and stains with special products and processes. This option is not only available for surgical instruments, but can also be used for WDs and E-WDs.


Autoclaves heavily contaminated with rouge carry the risk that, during the harsh conditions of sterilisation (vacuum, overpressure, steam-saturated atmosphere), the reddish-brown discolouration is transferred to the medical devices being sterilised. With the help of a special pH-neutral patented process, the coatings can be removed safely - and almost without interfering with the operation in the central sterilisation department.
Anchor: fortbildung

Training courses & seminars

We pass on our knowledge to you: In the training courses and seminars of the Borer Cleaning Academy, we bring your know-how regarding the reprocessing of medical devices up to date. Our practice-oriented courses are held in the Borer Competence Center with integrated technical center. The aim is to actively support you in achieving best-in-class reprocessing of medical devices.

Do you have any questions about our products and services? Contact us!

Your advanced cleaning solution experts

Dr. Markus Borer

Ad Interim Director Business Unit Medical

Thomas-Jörg Hennig, PhD

Product Manager

Marc Junker

Swiss Area Sales Manager

Urs Martin

International Sales Manager

Patrick Peitz

Area Sales Manager

Florian Reichen

Service & Application Technology

Philipp Reichmuth

Product Manager

Heinz Salvisberg

Head of Service & Application Technology

Ben Siegmund

International Sales Manager

Regional sales partners worldwide

The worldwide use of our products requires a well-developed distribution system. With main agencies in over 60 countries, we guarantee direct customer contact and reliable delivery dates. Our sales partners support our customers worldwide with targeted, industry-specific training in the best possible application of our cleaning products and thus bring Borer expertise right to the user.

Representative Medical

In Vitro Technologies Pty. Ltd.

7-9 Summit Road
3174 Noble Park, Melbourne, VIC




Representative Medical

Medtradex bvba

Vriendschapsstraat 30
3090 Overijse


Representative Medical

Medical Technics Eng. Ltd.

Mladost 1, bl. 28 B, Dimitar Mollov Str.
1750 Sofia



Representative Medical

International Clinics S.A.

Av. del Valle sur 601
Piso 4 Ciudad Empresarial


Representative Medical

Borer Chemie (Shanghai) Ltd

Suite 801, Changhang Building
No. 800 ZhangYang Road
200122 Pudong Dist. Shanghai


Representative Medical

Borer Chemie Deutschland GmbH

Lützeltaler Straße 3
63868 Großwallstadt


Representative Medical

Steelco Nordic A/S

Lottenborgvej 26
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Representative Medical

Electrolab Medic

Calle San Antonio Abad y
Calle Gabriela Mistral
San Salvador 


Representative Medical

Steelco Nordic A/S

Lottenborgvej 26
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Representative Medical

Symbiose Environnement SARL

Le Carrefour
53810 CHANGÉ


Representative Medical


190 rue Rene Barthelemy
14104 Lisieux Cedex


Representative Medical


Barrio San Felipe No. 3002
Atras de la Iglesia Medalla Milagrosa
11101 Tegucigalpa

Representative Medical

Kiwi Medical Supplies

D-02, Regency Plaza Business Park
Near Valdhuni Bridge, Ulhasnagar
421003 Maharashtra

Representative Medical

PT. Lima Dispo Selaras

Jl. Pulo Ribung Raya Blok AR1 / 63
17147 Bekasi Selatan


Representative Medical

Rockford Healthcare

Unit 3, The Westway Centre
Ballymount Avenue
Dublin 12

Representative Medical

Depotchem Solutions Ltd.

Tnuva Street 2
Be'er Tuvia Industrial Area 

Representative Medical

BM Italia srl

Via Decio Raggi, 25
2° piano Int. 10
47121 Forli (FC)


Representative Medical


2-12-4 Sakae-Cho
273-0018 Chiba


Representative Medical


16A Astana Street
070003 Ust-Kamenogorsk

Representative Medical


Str. "Velania" 2/7 Nr. 63
10000 Prishtina



Representative Medical


Sami Solh Avenue
Azarieh Bldg - 3rd florr

Representative Medical


No. 75, Jalan SP 3/4
Taman Saujana Puchong
47110  Puchong, Selangor




Representative Medical

In Vitro Technologies NZ Pty Ltd.

PO Box 14-323
New Zealand


Representative Medical

Buhler Pharma, S.A.

Carretera Norte, km 2.5


Representative Medical

BM Commerce

Ruzveltova 63a
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia


Representative Medical

Steelco Nordic A/S

Lottenborgvej 26
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Representative Medical

Borer Chemie Deutschland GmbH

Lützeltaler Straße 3
63868 Großwallstadt


Representative Medical

Total Technologies Pvt. Limited

696 J-2, Johar Town
54590 Lahore


Representative Medical

Dynamed Healthcare Incorporated

42 Tomas Morato Avenue
3rd Floor Metrofocus Bldg.
1112 Quezon City



Representative Medical

Balkan Medical Distribution

Str. Moinesti nr. 4
Bl. 136, sc1, et.2, ap 13, Sector 6
061233 Bucuresti


Representative Medical

Topchemie medlab d.o.o.

Zmaj Ognjenog Vuka 2
11000 Belgrad


Representative Medical

Neu Industries Pte Ltd

132 Joo Seng Road #04-01
368358 Singapore


Representative Medical

MUDITIS s.r.o.

Korenského 1107/15
15000 Praha 
Czech Republic


Representative Medical

Meditrade d.o.o.

Brnčičeva 17b
SI-1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče



Representative Medical

Antonio Matachana, S.A.

Almogávares, 174-176
08018 Barcelona


Representative Medical

MeDent Professional Co., Ltd.

3F Samduk Bldg. 413-20, Sungnae-dong
South Korea


Representative Medical

DKSH Taiwan Ltd.

10F., No. 22, Lane 407, Tiding Blvd.,
Sec. 2, Neihu Technology Park,
114 Taipei
Taiwan R.O.C


Representative Medical


999/3-5 Moo 9 Prachauthit_Kusang Rd
Naiklongbangplakod, Phrasamutjeydee
10290 Samutprakarn


Representative Medical

MUDITIS s.r.o.

Korenského 1107/15
15000 Praha 5
Czech Republic


Representative Medical


Tekstikent A24
Blok No 11
34235 Esenler Istanbul

Representative Medical

Steelco Hungary Kft

Temesvar u. 19-21
1116 Budapest


Representative Medical

Kiwi Medical Supplies LLC

12, The Bridge Building
Town Center
15890 Al Ain
United Arab Emirates

Representative Medical

Duong Gia Trading Co., Ltd

No. 4, Alley 343/10 Doi Can Street
Lieu Giai ward, Ba Dinh District
Hanoi city

Representative Medical

Medic plan

A. Panagouli 70
153 43 Agia Paraskevi


Representative Medical

AS Semetron

Kotka 26
11312 Tallinn

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Product brochures, product data sheets and user information on our products and services are available for download here.  

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Here you will find an overview of all national and international trade fairs in which we or our sales partners participate.

Another way to get to know us and our products and services is through our training courses and seminars.


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