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What should you do if your hand sanitiser has expired?

Find out what you should do if your hand sanitiser has passed its expiry date.

Reading time: 6min.

Borer Chemie

Borer Chemie,

What should you do if your hand sanitiser has expired?


Why is there an expiry date?

The indication of an expiry date on the packaging or bottle of hand sanitiser is required by law. Borer Chemie as manufacturer guarantees the effectiveness and safe use of our decosept® products during their shelf life. After the expiry date, the effectiveness of the disinfectant may decrease. There is a possibility that bacteria and viruses are no longer effectively killed and inactivated. The consistency of the product may also change after the expiry date, which means that adequate protection is no longer guaranteed.


Factors that influence the expiry date

The expiry date of hand sanitisers depends on various factors:

  • Type of product: Different disinfectants have different formulas and ingredients. These influence the shelf life.
  • Contents: Alcohols in particular are sensitive and can volatilise or decompose over time.
  • Storage conditions: Improper storage can impair the effectiveness.

Hand sanitiser should be stored in a cool, dry place and protected from direct sunlight.


What to do if the hand sanitiser has expired?

If the expiry date has passed, this does not automatically mean that the disinfectant is harmful. However, the effect can no longer be guaranteed by the manufacturer. The use of expired hand sanitiser is prohibited in the healthcare sector. You should also be careful in the private sphere. It is advisable to use the product only within the specified time frame to ensure the best possible hygiene and infection prevention.

Remember to observe the expiry date on the container and renew your hand sanitiser in good time.

Find out more about our hand sanitisers here



Contact us to find out more about our high-quality products and ensure the best possible hygiene and infection prevention. We look forward to helping you and supporting you in choosing the right hand sanitiser.



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