Advanced Cleaning Solutions
Borer Chemie AG is a globally active manufacturer of products for demanding cleaning in the industrial sector, hospital hygiene, the laboratory and pharmaceutical sector, as well as hand and surface disinfection.
We create added value for our customers through efficient cleaning and disinfection processes and thereby support them in their day-to-day work. We have been manufacturing the products of our deconex® and decosept® brands at our headquarters in Switzerland for over 50 years. With our subsidiaries in Germany and China as well as our network of distribution partners, we ensure the worldwide availability of our broad portfolio of proven brand products.
since 1965
since 1965
training centre
training centre
& training services
& training services
Borer Medical
In all healthcare settings, cleanliness and hygiene are of vital importance. Our products are used in the clinical environment as part of a comprehensive hygiene concept. When developing our deconex® cleaning agents and disinfectants, we put thorough testing of performance, effectiveness and material compatibility at the top of the list. To ensure that our products are ready for the market, we work in close cooperation with recognised test laboratories and with manufacturers of medical products. External tests are supplemented with in-house test methods. Our product performance claims are therefore always evidence-based. This gives you the reliability you want for every application.

Borer Life Sciences
Analytically clean surfaces are indispensable for validated cleaning in pharmaceutical production and in the cosmetics industry. However, they are also required in laboratory glassware cleaning and in the dairy industry. We support you in the development of new cleaning processes: after analysing your cleaning task, our experts develop a solution based on proven processes and our deconex® products. This demonstrably improves process reliability and makes processes more economical.
Borer Industry
In almost every industrial company, components cleaning is an integral part of the manufacturing process. The right cleaning and decoating concept directly influences the quality of the products. Our goal is to generate added value in your process chain and thereby improve your competitiveness. Our surface technology experts support you in the development of processes - from ideas to their implementation. Our highly specialised and proven deconex® cleaning products complement our value proposition.
Borer Hygiene
Properly applied hygiene prevents infections and saves lives. Hygiene also serves to maintain and improve health. For decades, we at Borer Chemie AG have made it our core mission to advise companies and institutions and to support them in their daily work with our expertise and our extensive product portfolio. Professional hand and surface disinfection are easy steps to take in order to protect staff, patients and co-workers and to ensure active infection prevention.
Research &
Our own research and development is one of our core areas of expertise. Our R&D team develops new formulations with an eye on the needs of our customers and markets and the ever-tightening legislation. Close cooperation with our in-house Quality Management and Regulatory Affairs departments ensures that our products meet both customer and regulatory requirements.
We also continuously and intensively focus on the most important aspects of typical cleaning issues and the development of comprehensive solutions. This includes measurable statements on residue-free surfaces, the assessment of ecological aspects as well as advising our customers and users on the most economical use of our products.

Borer Competence Center

Family business
in the second generation
What began in 1965 with a vision and the founding of "PMC Products for Medicine and Chemistry" is now a globally active family business. Although our headquarters are in rural Zuchwil, our branded products deconex® and decosept® are used successfully all over the world. In over 50 years, we have built up extensive knowledge in the most diverse areas of sophisticated cleaning and disinfection. As specialists, we contribute to the further development of our customers' cleaning and disinfection processes in the industries in which we operate.

Download Centre
Product brochures, product data sheets and user information on our products and services are available for download here.
Trade fairs, events & congresses
Here you will find an overview of all national and international trade fairs in which we or our sales partners participate.
Another way to get to know us and our products and services is through our training courses and seminars.