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«I can actively help to expand the area of analytics, my opinion matters. That motivates me every day.»

Schangavy Thamotharampillai, Analytics laboratory assistant
with Borer since 2020

«I can work very independently and on my own responsibility. This trust and the great room for manoeuvre give me a lot of pleasure. I feel great at Borer!»

Daniel Kästle, Production employee
with Borer since 2016

«The apprenticeship at Borer is very diverse and gives me an insight into a wide variety of activities and departments.»

Benita Hasani, Apprentice businesswoman
with Borer since 2020

Borer Chemie AG as an employer

Our company combines the reliability of a Swiss employer with the exciting tasks of a globally successful manufacturer of specialised products for demanding cleaning and disinfection.

Our everyday work is shaped by high quality standards. In everything we do and in the way we do it.

Become part of Borer Chemie AG ...

... and discover a wide variety of career opportunities! Regardless of whether you are professionally experienced, entering professional life for the first time or changing career, studying or looking for an apprenticeship: with us you will find an exciting and future-focused field of activity with development potential. Contact us.

Symbol for experienced professionals Symbol for experienced professionals
Experienced professionals
Expertise is one of the cornerstones of our products and services. Your expertise and experience are therefore what we're looking for! With us you will find a new professional home in different areas.
Symbol for young professionals Symbol for young professionals
Career starters

We welcome both apprenticeship graduates and graduates (uni/technical college/higher technical college). As a career starter, you will be challenged and supported, and exciting development opportunities await you.

Symbol for students icon-werkstudierende-blau
You have the theory, we have the practice. Join us during your studies and get involved with exciting projects. We offer flexible part-time models and the opportunity to write your bachelor's or master's thesis with us. And maybe you'll stay on?
Trainee symbol Trainee symbol
We take our social responsibility seriously and train young people in the professions of business management assistant and logistics specialist. Get the tools for a successful start to your professional life with us.

Our culture

We are a family business and proud of everything we've achieved since 1965. We have common values and live by reliability, loyalty and appreciation both internally and externally. A culture of flat hierarchies allows individual room for manoeuvre and the opportunity to contribute one's own ideas. We believe in a diverse, inclusive work environment and in providing fair and equitable opportunities for our employees so that everyone can succeed.

Are these values as important to you as they are to us? Then the chemistry is right. We should get to know each other!

EN Karriere

Where we are heading

If you are thinking about sophisticated cleaning and disinfection you should be thinking about us - that is our vision.

We have a clear idea of where we want to go as a company. Do your ideas and values coincide with ours?

Who we are looking for

We are a reliable partner for our customers. For this, we need innovative and committed individuals who want to achieve great things with us. Employees who put their drive, enthusiasm and knowledge at the service of the company. And who want to shape the future together. Through efficient and process-orientated working, we build the foundations for growth and further development.

Symbol for enthusiastic
Symbol for committed
Symbol for innovative
Symbol for motivated

Do you take an objective view of things? Do you master challenges with a lot of passion and a good amount of stamina? Do changes excite you and do you embrace them? Do you inspire others with your ideas? Do you take things into your own hands to move forward? Then you’ve come to exactly the right place!


Let's tackle challenges together. And let's do it in a family environment where cooperation takes place on an equal footing - regardless of the role and position. We are fair and humane. Appreciation and tolerance are a matter of course and achievements are recognised.Do you recognise yourself and are these values equally important to you? Then take the next step and contact us.

Two chemical laboratory assistants in analysis laboratory Employees take a coffee break together

Your benefits as an employee

Good performance is only possible if the framework conditions are right. We are aware of this and ensure that our employees enjoy working at Borer Chemie AG by offering flexible working models and other attractive benefits.

Symbol education and training
Participation in education and training
Participation in education and training
Symbol for flexible working hours
Flexible working hours, 41h/week
Flexible working hours, 41h/week
Home office symbol
Work from home (where possible)
Symbol for participation in fitness subscription
Fitness subscription participation
Fitness subscription
Symbol for drinks and fruits
Drinks and fruit at break times
Drinks and fruit at break times
Symbol für Sozialleistungen
Above-average social benefits
Above-average social benefits
Team event symbol
Team events
Team events
Symbol for Reka Cheques
Discount on Reka cheques
Reka cheques
Symbol for charging station for electric vehicles
Parking spaces with charging station for e-vehicles
Ornare Mollis
Employees worldwide
Employees worldwide
Employees at Zuchwil
Employees at Zuchwil

Our recruitment process

Finding the right people and building the best teams is something that is very close to our hearts. Our recruitment process comprises five steps in which we get to know you and you get to know us:

Forklift driver in the logistics high-bay warehouse
Anchor: open-positions

Open positions

Junior Product Manager Industry (all genders) 100%

QM-Officer (all genders) 100%

Mitarbeiter:in ICT-Support (all genders) 80-100%

Sales Assistant & Office Management Life Sciences (all genders) 100%

Open positions


Have you not found an open position that suits you? Do you have more or different skills than those described in the current job offers? Then apply anyway, we look forward to getting to know you!

Anchor: ansprechpartner

Your contacts

Christine Alvarado

HR Business Partner

Sabrina Loepfe

Team Leader HR
Anchor: online-bewerbung

Online application

Online Magazin

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