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Anchor: programm


09.00 Uhr Registrierung und Eröffnung der Industrieausstellung -
mit Kaffee

09.30 Uhr Begrüssung und Moderation

D. Martini / Dr. U. Drehsen
09.40 Uhr Ökonomische und ökologische Prozesse in der Instrumentenaufbereitung - Ein Blick in die Zukunft - Dr. R. Simmoteit
10.20 Uhr Automation in der AEMP

G. Heller
11.00 Uhr


11.30 Uhr Inklusion von Gehörlosen in der AEMP

C. Meijer
12.10 Uhr Standardisierung der MIC-Aufbereitung

V. Rhein
13.00 Uhr Mittagspause und Besuch der Industrieausstellung

14.00 Uhr Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht?
Arbeitszeitmodelle für die Zukunft in der AEMP
R. Stens
15.00 Uhr Funktionskontrolle chirurgischer Instrumente

V. Kalinitschenko
15.45 Uhr Abschluss und Ausklang der Veranstaltung - Ausgabe von Teilnehmerzertifikaten

Ende der Veranstaltung ca. 16.00 Uhr


Anchor: speaker

Dr. Thomas Dreyer

Head of Innovation Management

Weber Ultrasonics AG

Dr. Dreyer is holding a position as head of innovation management since 2013 and is responsible for research projects, advanced engineering, and special applications of ultrasound.


He entered Weber Ultrasonics as a development engineer for ultrasonic generators and ultrasonic transducers for cleaning technologies, welding and special applications after receiving his doctoral degree in 2006. Until 2005 he worked as a research associate at University of Karlsruhe after his diploma degree in electrical engineering. 

Anchor: lecture

Technical Presentation

Ultrasound - an effective tool in precision cleaning

High purity cleaning means to remove smallest particles and contaminations, which may vary depending on type of application and components. To remove such contaminations the whole cleaning process including the individual components needs to be tailored to the specific cleanliness requirements. In order to fulfill such demanding tasks ultrasound is an indispensable part of the process. This presentation gives an overview of ultrasonic cleaning effects especially at high frequencies and provides basic guidelines for a successful application. The presenters will also be available for discussions with the participants for specific topics on the application of ultrasound.