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Anchor: programm


09.00 Uhr Registrierung und Eröffnung der Industrieausstellung -
mit Kaffee

09.30 Uhr Begrüssung und Moderation

D. Martini / Dr. U. Drehsen
09.40 Uhr Ökonomische und ökologische Prozesse in der Instrumentenaufbereitung - Ein Blick in die Zukunft - Dr. R. Simmoteit
10.20 Uhr Automation in der AEMP

G. Heller
11.00 Uhr


11.30 Uhr Inklusion von Gehörlosen in der AEMP

C. Meijer
12.10 Uhr Standardisierung der MIC-Aufbereitung

V. Rhein
13.00 Uhr Mittagspause und Besuch der Industrieausstellung

14.00 Uhr Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht?
Arbeitszeitmodelle für die Zukunft in der AEMP
R. Stens
15.00 Uhr Funktionskontrolle chirurgischer Instrumente

V. Kalinitschenko
15.45 Uhr Abschluss und Ausklang der Veranstaltung - Ausgabe von Teilnehmerzertifikaten

Ende der Veranstaltung ca. 16.00 Uhr


Anchor: speaker
Andreas Neumann

Andreas Neumann

Segment Manager - Electronics

Blaser Swisslube

Andreas has been working in the semiconductor sector since 2010 with many years of experience in process development. Since 2017, he has been the Segment Manager at Blaser Swisslube, responsible for building and managing the Electronics segment worldwide. He oversees the development, testing, enhancement, and marketing of the Electronics product-line. Andreas values close cooperation and professional exchange with end customers and suppliers. Only with this he can ensure to meet the diverse requirements, from HDD production to Al structures for lithography, with the right solutions. Despite the variety of segments, one common priority remains: cleanliness

Anchor: lecture

Technical Presentation

Permanent challenges, permanent progress; holistic fluid solutions in high-end metalworking and cleanliness!

In a holistic process management, the metal working fluid is one of the key factors for production process stability. Therefore, changes of any process parameter may impact the performance and stability of the metal working fluids as well. For instance, changes proceeding process steps or of the fluid management may lead to contamination or oxidation of machined parts. The understanding of the disruptive factors in the production processes is essential achieving optimum machining results. 

I my presentation, I will address various factors influencing the metal working properties, how you can measure them on-site, and how you can tweak these parameters to minimize optical anomalies and contamination while machining.