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The Beginning of a Great Story

The success story of Borer Chemie AG began with a bold vision. Anton Borer, the founder and creative mind behind the company, laid the foundation in 1965 for what is now one of the leading companies in cleaning and disinfection technology. By establishing the sole proprietorship PMC Produkte für Medizin und Chemie (Products for Medicine and Chemistry), he not only demonstrated entrepreneurial courage but also an intuitive understanding of the needs of a changing world

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Anton Borer: Pionier und Visionär

Viel mehr als ein innovativer Unternehmer war Anton Borer auch ein leidenschaftlicher Netzwerker und geschickter Stratege. Bereits in den 1960er Jahren knüpfte er Kontakte zu internationalen Märkten und etablierte die Marke deconex als Synonym für Qualität und effiziente Reinigungergebnisse. Die Entscheidung, frühzeitig auf nachhaltige Produktionsmethoden zu setzen, zeugt von seiner Weitsicht und Verantwortung gegenüber der Umwelt.


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Anton Borer: Pioneer and Visionary

The success story of Borer Chemie AG began with a bold vision. Anton Borer, the founder, and creative mind behind the company, laid the foundation in 1965 for what is now one of the leading companies in cleaning technology and hand and surface disinfection. By establishing the sole proprietorship PMC Produkte für Medizin und Chemie (Products for Medicine and Chemistry), he not only demonstrated entrepreneurial courage but also an intuitive understanding of the needs of a changing world.

Anton Borer quickly recognised the importance of innovation. The first major success was the introduction of detex®11, an environmentally more compatible alternative to the highly toxic chromosulphuric acid that was widely used at the time. This groundbreaking idea marked the start of a series of developments that significantly transformed cleaning standards in medicine, industry, and research.

But Anton Borer was more than an innovative entrepreneur – he was also a passionate networker and a skilled strategist. As early as the 1960s, he established connections to international markets, positioning the deconex® brand as a synonym for quality and efficient cleaning results. His decision to adopt sustainable production methods early on reflects his foresight and commitment to environmental responsibility.

With persistence and an unwavering belief in his ideas, Anton Borer led Borer Chemie AG from a small operation with a laboratory in a former hair salon to a global company with a strong brand presence. His dedication to technical excellence and his personal touch continue to shape the company’s culture to this day.

His legacy lives on through the second generation and every employee at Borer Chemie AG. As a pioneer and visionary, Anton Borer not only created a company but also instilled values and principles that have endured for decades.

Ein Rückblick mit Anton Borer

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PMC Produkte für Medizin und Chemie

Anton Borer bewies nicht nur als Unternehmer und Elektroingenieur Talent, sondern auch als Designer. Das Logo der Gründungsfirma „PMC Produkte für Chemie und Medizin“ entstammte seiner eigenen Feder – ein früher Beweis für seinen Sinn für Innovation und Kreativität.


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The Visual Starting Point

Maurice Vultier, the first managing director of PMC Produkte für Medizin und Chemie, not only played a key role in building the company but also demonstrated a flair for design. The company’s first logo was his creation and laid the foundation for its visual identity.

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Where It All Began

The success story of Borer Chemie AG began in an unusual location: a disused hair salon in Solothurn. In 1965, Anton Borer set up this small space as the company’s first production site. With a pragmatic approach and the dedicated support of the first managing director, Maurice Vultier, the production of the first product, detex®11, began.

The improvised production space featured a 200-litre mixer. Even decades later, the shop owner recalled the chemical traces left behind from those early days.

"One day we were alerted because water was flowing out of the salon. Apparently, we had forgotten to turn off a tap."

Anton Borer

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From the First Product to a Global Brand

The story began in 1964 with a chance encounter. Anton Borer learned of a groundbreaking invention: a non-toxic alternative to the highly toxic chromosulphuric acid. Armed with a licensing agreement for half of Europe, Africa, and Asia, the first cleaning product, detex®11, was developed.

In 1967, the product name detex® was changed to deconex® to avoid conflicts with existing trademarks.

The brand name deconex®, derived from "decontamination", quickly gained recognition in the professional community. Initial orders came from laboratories and the chemical industry. With detex®11, the story of a product began, and with it, the story of a brand that today stands for achieving the highest cleaning standards.

"In the early days, 1-litre bottles and 5-litre canisters were filled using a squeeze hose, the filling quantity judged by eye."

Anton Borer